Goyen Literacy Fellowship
We are thrilled to announce that applications for the fourth cohort of Goyen Literacy Fellows (2025-26 school year) are now available.
Nominate an incredible candidate
What is the Goyen Literacy Fellowship?
The Goyen Literacy Fellowship (GLF):
Identifies the best reading teachers in the country.
Honors their excellence with a stipend.
Provides a rich professional learning community.
Creates and shares videos of the fellows’ literacy instruction with other teachers who are trying to improve their teaching practice.
Why does the GLF exist?
Today, hundreds of thousands of teachers across the country are being asked to change the way they teach reading and adopt new curricula. Yet the professional development that they receive is usually theoretical and disconnected from classroom practice. Like students, teachers need models that show them what to do and how to do it. The GLF’s real-world video content provides these models, while also creating a powerful network of teachers helping teachers.
What does the fellowship entail?
The fellowship program runs for the 2025-26 school year.
Fellows document their literacy teaching practice through videos, pictures, and writing.
Fellows write 1-2 blog posts about teaching reading.
Fellows attend 1-2 Sunday night meetings per month for the school year.
Fellows lead 1 of those Sunday night meetings.
Fellows lead one public-facing professional learning session.
Fellows allow the Goyen Foundation to share their work on social media platforms and to store it on their website.
Fellows will receive a $2,000 stipend.
Where can I find examples of past fellows’ work?
You can see samples of our fellows’ work on Youtube, Facebook, and X/Twitter, and Instagram, as well as across various Facebook groups.
Who should apply?
You should apply for this fellowship if you…
Implement structured literacy in your classroom.
Want to share your practice with other educators.
Want to connect with and learn from like-minded peers during regular fellowship meetings.
Believe in the importance of systematic foundational skills instruction AND building content and background knowledge through rich, authentic texts.
Integrate all aspects of your ELA instruction (reading, writing, vocabulary, fluency, etc.).
Are interested in exploring ways to get high-quality teaching content in the hands of curious teachers.
Live in the United States.
Think you would enjoy this work.
What does the application timeline look like?
Week of January 15: Application published
January 28 8PM EST: OPTIONAL Zoom info session
February 11 8PM EST: OPTIONAL Zoom info session
February 28: Applications due
March 14: Finalists notified
May 23: Finalist task due
June/July: Fellows notified
What will the finalist task entail?
The finalist task is linked here. It will involve taking a video of your teaching and then explaining the video.
How many fellows will you select?
We will select at least 12 fellows for the upcoming cohort.
Is there anything you’re looking for in particular?
We’re looking to assemble a diverse class of fellows that represent different types of schools and use a variety of high-quality instructional materials. We prize curiosity because we have found that our most productive fellows are teachers who are eager to grow and have lots of questions and ideas about teaching and learning that they want to share and test out. We have also found that fellows who actively want to connect with and learn from other educators from different schools and contexts have a better experience overall.
Other questions?
Email Kata at kata.solow@goyen.io
Stop by an optional Zoom information session at one of the following times: January 28 at 8PM EST or February 11 at 8PM EST