The challenge
American students struggle to learn how to read.
The problem is simple: countless American students struggle to learn. Nearly 40% of 4th graders cannot meet the “basic” reading standard on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. The data are even more concerning among Black, Hispanic, and American Indian populations, in which 50% of students or more now score “below basic.”
American teachers lack practical tools and support.
The good news is that we know how to teach reading. But the large body of research, broadly known as the Science of Reading, is just starting to reach education schools, curriculum companies, and teachers on the ground. However, we see an acute shortage of practical, actionable tools for real teachers who are trying to apply the science and help their students.
No one listens to teachers.
Hundreds of thousands of teachers flood social media daily, asking their peers for practical resources and tool to teach their students more effectively. Yet the most popular professional development programs are highly theoretical. Meanwhile, other teachers are understandably suspicious of well-intentioned laws and policies aimed at improving read instruction because they've been left ouf of the process.
What we do
Through the Goyen Literacy Fellowship, we find the best reading teachers in the country, give them a platform to show other teachers how to get kids reading, and pay them for their work. We believe that teachers are best-equipped to teach other teachers and help them transform their instructional practices.
Our fellows convene at least once a month to connect with and learn from one another. We also believe that teaching is often an isolating profession, and that most teachers lack opportunities to learn from their peers.